Disk No: 1880 Disk Title: Contact Tracker PC-SIG Version: S1.1 Program Title: Contact Tracker Author Version: 04/90 Author Registration: $50.00 Special Requirements: Two floppy drives. Hard drive recommended. CONTACT TRACKER packs just about every function a small businessman or crack salesman needs to bird-dog every prospect or key person he deals with. It stores those contacts in a crisp database and converts your computer to a neat phone dialer. An arranger and organizer, CONTACT can maintain your calendar and schedule while prioritizing your chores. It lets you sort those contacts in a variety of ways, write a letter, and then its mail merge function makes sure the letter gets out to the right people. You can set up CONTACT TRACKER to track important appointments, calls, meetings, dates, people and projects. You can send out price updates to selected customers or memos to selected employes. The program boasts it can churn out up to 60 letters in an hour and then print mailing labels. When needed, it will dial your telephone and let you make notes of your calls and store them with each contact file. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.